Arduino language: Introduction

How to begin on Arduino? How to learn the basics to begin your first program?


The Arduino language is from the C and C++ language which has been simplified for it. Theses both languages are very used to program an electronic card. That’s why the Arduino language is inspired from it.

What is the difference between the C language and Arduino language?

The most important difference between the C language and Arduino language is that an Arduino program contains obligatorily at least two functions : void setup and void loop.While the C language contains obligatorily at least one function: void main.

Structure of the program

There are two importants rules to begin programming on Arduino language:

  • All instructions have to finish by a semicolon. That way the Arduino card understand where the instruction stops.
  • All functions begin and stop by brace. That way the Arduino card knows when the function stops.

These both things is often forgot when we write a program and it will have problem during the verifying of your program.

What are you going to find in our courses of Arduino language?

Each course of the category “Arduino language” contains an important notion about the Arduino language. It can be variable, Array, or loop. Each course contains some program to praticte the notion learned.

Here is an example of a program you can find in our courses:

for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
    //things you want to do

To go further: Program already done

If you want to control component quickly without knowing the Arduino language, it’s possible !

  • On Arduino Ide software, you have pre-existing programs that can be useful to test a component and use it.
  • On Tinkercad, there are preexisting circuits to simulate your component directly !