In this project we will see how to do a blinking Christmas tree with leds and an Arduino card. This decoration will be a good idea to decor your house during christmas.
The resistors are used to reduce the current in the leds. These protects your leds from burning out. To calculate the value of the resistor you need you can read our course about it.
To make the structure of your christmas tree, you can use cardboard cut shaped as a christmas tree and glue the leds. The cardboard gives a wood effect to your christmas tree. You can also make the structure with a 3d printer in a brown color to reproduce the wood effect.
int led_Red_top = 12; // We assign the top red leds at the pin 12
int led_Red_bottom = 11; // We assign the bottom red led at the pin 11
int led_Green = 10; // We assign the green leds at the pin 10
int led_Yellow = 7; // We assign the yellow leds at the pin 7
void setup() {
// We assign all the leds as an output of the Arduino card
pinMode(led_Red_top, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led_Red_bottom, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led_Green, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led_Yellow, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led_Red_top,HIGH); // We turn on the led
digitalWrite(led_Red_bottom,HIGH); // We turn on the led
digitalWrite(led_Green,HIGH); // We turn on the led
digitalWrite(led_Yellow,HIGH); // We turn on the led
// We blink the leds
digitalWrite(led_Red_bottom,LOW); //We turn off the red leds
digitalWrite(led_Red_top,LOW); // We turn off the red leds
digitalWrite(led_Green,LOW); //We turn off the green leds
digitalWrite(led_Red_top,HIGH); // We turn on the red leds
digitalWrite(led_Red_bottom,HIGH); // We turn on the red leds
digitalWrite(led_Green,HIGH); // We turn off the green leds
To do that you will need Arduino ide software. You juste have to copy the program above into arduino ide and the software will upload the program for you.
The program that we realized blink the leds at 1 second with different colors. You can change the delay to blink quicker or slower the leds.
Here is the project simulation on tinkercad: