The electronic compass is designed to detect the earth’s magnetic field and provide magnetic heading data to a microcontroller like Arduino. The one we’ll be using today is the GY-271 module, based on the HMC5883L sensor.
Equipped with a Hall-effect sensor, the GY-271 offers reasonable accuracy for measuring magnetic orientation. It incorporates a three-axis system that detects variations in the magnetic field on the X, Y and Z axes. This data can be used to determine the direction in which the module is oriented in relation to magnetic north.
Here’s the circuit diagram for connecting the GY-271. It uses the i2C of the Arduino board:
To download the program for the GY-271 compass you’ll need to install the adafruit library for the HMC5883, which is the chip that controls our compass:
#include <Wire.h> //I2C Arduino Librairie
#define HMC5883L_ADDR 0x1E //addresse i2c du HMC5883
bool haveHMC5883L = false ;
bool detectHMC5883L () {
Wire.beginTransmission(HMC5883L_ADDR) ;
Wire.write(10) ;
Wire.endTransmission() ;
Wire.requestFrom(HMC5883L_ADDR, 3) ;
if(3 == Wire.available())) {
char a = ;
char b = ;
char c = ;
if(a == 'H' && b == '4' && c == '3')
return true ;
return false ;
void setup() {
//On initialise le moniteur série et l'i2C
Serial.begin(9600) ;
Serial.println("Démarrage") ;
Wire.begin() ;
TWBR = 78 ;
TWSR |= _BV (TWPS0) ;
void loop() {
bool detect = detectHMC5883L() ;
if(!haveHMC5883L) {
if(detect) {
haveHMC5883L = true ;
Serial.println("La boussole est détectée") ;
Wire.beginTransmission(HMC5883L_ADDR) ;
Wire.write(0x02) ;
Wire.write(0x00) ;
Wire.endTransmission() ;
else {
Serial.println("Boussole non detecte") ;
delay(2000) ;
retour ;
else {
if(!detect) {
haveHMC5883L = false ;
Serial.println("Connexion perdue") ;
delay(2000) ;
retour ;
int x,y,z ; //axes du triangle
Wire.beginTransmission(HMC5883L_ADDR) ;
Wire.write(0x03) ;
Wire.endTransmission() ;
Wire.requestFrom(HMC5883L_ADDR, 6) ;
x =<<8 ;
x |= ;
z =<<8 ;
z |= ;
y =<<8 ;
y |= ;
Serial.print("x : ") ;
Serial.print(x) ;
Serial.print(" y : ") ;
Serial.print(y) ;
Serial.print(" z : ") ;
Serial.println(z) ;
delay(250) ;