Google Drive on Raspberry Pi


CloudBuddy is open-source software that turns a device like the Raspberry Pi into a personal cloud server. It offers a user-friendly interface for managing files, sharing documents and synchronizing data between multiple devices. With CloudBuddy, users can have total control over their data, ensuring confidentiality and security.

To install Google Drive on the Raspberry Pi, we’re going to use an application manager called “Pi-app”, which lets you install any kind of software on your board. You can download it from the following link:

wget -qO- | bash

Once you’ve downloaded the link, click on the icon that appears on your desktop. You will need to confirm that you wish to run the :


Once the manager is installed, you will need to search for Google Drive :

Once you’ve found it, all you have to do is install the software:



Here’s how the installation works:

Once CloudBuddy is installed, you can find it in the menu of your Raspberry Pi.

Once CloudBuddy has been launched, you can access your drive from the web interface on your browser, or import it into a folder on your Raspberry Pi :

With CloudBuddy, you can connect to different drives: Google drive, One drive or even DropBox:

Once you’ve chosen your drive service, you’ll be prompted to add a new drive with “new drive”:

You are now connected to your Drive:

We are now asked to create a folder in which your Drive will be stored on your Raspberry Pi :

You now have your Drive synchronized on your Raspberry Pi desktop: